Friday, August 20, 2010


I have affectionately called them "Grandma
and Grandpa" since I was in college. They aren't
old enough to be my grandparents.
Less than an hour after my Mom died, Grandma Jean called.
She didn't know Mom had died.
She and Grandpa did what family does.
They came to us. I don't remember a lot
about the day Mom passed, just the pain and the shock.
I do remember Grandma Jean and Grandpa Tom.
I know that God sent them to be with us,
to hold us, cry with us, support us.
I know that God brought them to us, because
He knew what we needed.
I have enjoyed spending time with them again.
I have enjoyed introducing my children and
husband to them.
My Mom was very important to Grandma Jean, and
Jean was important to my Mom. I have loved
being able to see my kids with
people who love and miss my Mom.
Last night, we enjoyed a very fun evening at Jean and Tom's
house. Grandpa Tom took all of the kids out on the
four wheeler. They LOVED those rides.
At breakfast, they were still talking about going
up the hills, seeing deer, eating wild blackberries,
and driving really, really fast.
Although it had been so many years since I had seen Grandma
and Grandpa, they have embraced me, my children, our
family just like they always do, with love, acceptance,
and joy. They have supported me through this season of grief.
They have loved without conditions. I am truly blessed to have
such wonderful people as part of my family
Thank you Grandma and Grandpa. I love you.


Blogger Blondee said...

Jean and Tom sound like amazing people. Everyone should be so fortunate to have such an abundace of love. Thank you for sharing.

August 20, 2010 at 3:22 PM  

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