Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Zoo Classes

One of the things that I love about being
a home schooling parent is the
amount of time I get to be with my kids.
I feel like I missed out on their first
four and five years, so now I want to
spend as much time with them as I can.
Soon enough I may not be cool enough
to hang out with.
This week, we had our first zoo class of
the school year.
The kids learned about coral reefs, and
their importance in the ocean.
They made their own reefs with egg cartons.
After learning about coral, the teacher brought out some of
the educational animals.
They saw a python,
and a parrot. The parrot is 84 years old! He was
shy at first, but once he
warmed up he was lots of fun.
After class, we enjoyed a picnic
with friends (thank you Ree for the food!)
We saw some of the animals, and then
we spent lots of time on the playground.
It was a fun and full day. Just
another reason I love home schooling.


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