His Strength Is Perfect
the most rewarding experiences of my life.
It has also been one of the most challenging.
They had memories and experiences in
their lives that happened before they met us.
They had pains and joys that we never shared.
Before we met them, they were considered hard to place.
That label was because of their age, race, and behaviors.
There were many times, that first year, when
I wondered what on earth we were doing.
if we should send them back, if pets might be a better
option. Each time the Lord provided
the strength I lacked.
children. He had a purpose for their lives and
for our family. He brought all of us through that
first year. He daily renewed my strength.
Behaviors continued, but not as many and not as frequently.
into a lot of their old behaviors. I'm already at the end
of my rope emotionally, and there are days
when I feel like I can't hold on. There are days,
like today, when I again ask God, "Maybe pets really
would have been a better option for us. Maybe
you made a mistake."
Today, he gently reminded me that
His strength is perfect, when my strength is gone.
I was reminded, again, that God makes no mistakes, that
this time will pass. That one day these dark days will be over, and
that the children He brought to us were the right
children for us. How thankful I am for my
Heavenly Father and for the two children
that He brought into my life. What a gift
they are.
Hang in there! You are such a good mama! :) Feel free to send them over if you need some time to yourself!
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