Thursday, January 14, 2010

Making Yogurt

We never had much money when I was growing up.
We weren't "Angela's Ashes" poor (at least I don't
think we were), but we didn't have a lot
of cash. As I grew older, my Mom would share
stories with me about times that were
especially hard, and some of the things
she would do to save money. One story she
told me was about using coupons to buy food.
Back then, if you used coupons, the store would
give you the cash you saved; not deduct it
like they do now. My Mom took that cash,
saved it, and bought herself a yogurt maker.
Home made yogurt was something that
I grew up with.
My Mom was so proud of that yogurt maker.
It cost her something.
She had to save for it. She made my brother and
me yogurt all throughout our childhoods.
I still remember the taste of home made yogurt.
There's nothing quite like it. I swear, it tastes
better than store bought.
Shortly before my Mom was diagnosed with cancer,
she'd decided she wanted to make yogurt again.
Her original yogurt maker was long gone. Not to be
deterred by the lack of a yogurt maker,
my Mom started her Internet search.
She finally found a maker she liked.
She didn't have to save the money this time,
she could just buy it. She was just as
excited and proud of this new yogurt maker.
She showed it to me when I was down visiting.
She was always planning on making more yogurt.
Then she got sick.
The yogurt maker just sat and sat. She was too
sick to eat, so we didn't use it. She always said,
"When I'm better I'll be making yogurt".
I used to tease her and tell her she should just
give it to me, and she would tell me
"No, I'm going to be using it."
I wish she had. When she died,
my Dad came across her yogurt maker,
he packed it up and brought it to me.
It didn't feel right to use it without her.
For a while, it just sat. Then I thought of how she would
want me to be using it. She would want her grand kids to be eating
some home made yogurt. So now I'm using it.
My kids are enjoying the taste of home made yogurt, and I'm
able to share with them the memory of their
grandmother making yogurt for me.
Today, while I was making the yogurt again, the kids
were telling me how they couldn't wait to eat it. They were
talking about how good it tasted, and I swear, I could
feel my Mom smiling down on us. Happy to see
her yogurt maker being put to use.


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