Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Wow! What A Week!

On Monday morning, we received a call.
It wasn't totally out of the blue,
but it was still a surprise.
Our two former foster sons, the ones
we visited with before Christmas,
needed to be removed from their foster home.
The county wanted to know if we would take them back.
WOW! We really don't want to be foster parents.
Our goal has always been adoption.
We said we'd pray, and we did. After much talking
and praying, and talking to our kids,
we decided to allow the boys to come back.
We couldn't send them to another home.
We know what that does to kids.
Our kids had eight homes before they came to us.
They suffer from those moves almost daily.
We couldn't do that to the boys.
Today, they moved home. They were so excited.
The look on the baby's face. I believe
he remembers his time here, on some level.
P. was also so excited to be home.
He laughed and played,
and was hugging and kissing us
all evening.
And so, we take each moment as it comes.
I don't know the Lord's will in this, but
I believe He wants the boys here.
We love them so much, we love
their mother. These children have become a part
of our family. I pray that they always will
be, and that the Lord will use us any way
He sees fit.
Oh how I wish my Mom were here right now. To see the kids.
To know they're home. She would be so happy.


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