Sunday, May 17, 2009

Fun With Friends

Last week my friend Ree needed
me to watch her kids while she went to the dentist.
Of course I said, "YES!!" (I love her kiddos and so
do my kiddos)
I thought it would be lots of fun
to make some cupcakes and
frosting and let the kids
decorate them any way they wanted.
They picked out the colors that they wanted
for their frosting, and then they went to work.K. used lots of blue, it's his current favorite color.
Sprinkles are lots of fun on cupcakes. Here J. was
making a sprinkle and frosting creation!
My sweet Doodles loves to bake
and decorate. Just like her mommy.
Cupcake making is serious business.
Some of the finished cupcakes. The kids
were all so proud of their work.
What's better than decorating a cupcake?
Eating it!
Doodles, enjoying her creation!
K. ate his before I could get
a picture of all the frosting.
His favorite color is yellow, so I'm sure
it was a big yellow blob of frosting.
J. enjoying her cupcake, not her picture.
How can you not love Ree's kids.
They're so adorable.
We had so much fun together. One thing that I love about
homeschooling, is that it provides the freedom to spend
this time with my kids. Because they spent their early
years in foster care, they missed out on just
being kids. I'm always happy to be able to add to
their "kid" experiences. We're hoping to have another visit from
our friends soon. Thanks for spending the day with us!


Blogger Ree said...

K and J had sooo much fun! Thanks so much :)

June 3, 2009 at 11:20 PM  

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