Wednesday, November 4, 2009

365 Days Ago

About five or six years ago, Jon and I were
blessed with infertility.
Don't get me wrong, at the time, it wasn't a blessing.
From the moment we married, we knew that we
wanted kids. He wanted four, I wanted six.
You get the idea. We wanted a family.
God had other plans for us.
Once we found out we couldn't conceive, we decided
to adopt. Initially, we were going to adopt an
infant from China. We decided to do our
home study through a local foster
agency. It was during that time that we learned about
foster care, and the number of siblings that are
separated and are not adopted together.
We both knew that siblings were our
calling. I will never forget
the night that we learned about our children.
We came home from work to a message from a social worker
in Boston. She told us about a brother and a sister
who needed a home. We had time
to think about it, but to tell you the truth,
our minds were made up that night.
We waited almost two months to meet our children.
I will never forget the first time that we saw them.
We went to a park, walked to McDonald's, and spent two
hours just meeting them.
From that moment on, they were our kids.
For six months, we traveled back and
forth every other weekend to Boston.
We had so much fun getting to know them.
We counted the days until they would come live with us.
They were ours.
After they moved in, we counted the months, then
years until they were adopted.
Although it seemed to take FOREVER, there
was never a doubt in our minds that The Big K. and
Doodles were meant for us.
We were a family.
One year ago today, our adoption was
made final. What we'd always known,
the law finally recognized.
K. and Doodles were ours.
They will always be ours.
We are a family.
Happy Adoption Day Anniversary.
You two have made Daddy and I happier than
you will ever know. There are no two
children in this world wanted as much
or loved as much as the two of you.
I'm so sorry that you had to lose so much
before you came to us, but I am so happy that we gained so much
when we got you. We love you.
Happy Adoption!!


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