For almost three years P. and Baby D. have
been in foster care.
Last month, a judge that had never met them, made
the decision to make their foster care stay four
years. He gave their mother another chance.
Jon and I love the boys' mother. We've prayed for
her, invited her to church, and tried to do all that we can
to welcome her into our family. We both believe that
when we help her, we are helping her boys.
Over the weekend, she messed up. She left
her supportive housing, started using drugs again,
and made the decision that she cannot raise her
boys. She wants them with us.
She feels they will have things with us that they will never have
with her. Older siblings, a father.
I can't imagine what her heart is going through. I know how
much she loves her boys. I know how much they
love her. Today, we went to court.
She was prepared to sign over her rights to them.
The judge asked her to wait until Monday. To make sure this
is what she wants. And so we wait with her.
We pray some more. We wonder about their future, our future, her
future. We pray for the Lord's will above all else.
We wait until Monday.